the curse of cromwell meaning in English
- But begob i was just lowering the heel of the pint when i saw the citizen getting up to waddle to the door , puffing and blowing with the dropsy and he cursing the curse of cromwell on him , bell , book and candle in irish , spitting and spatting out of him and joe and little alf round him like a leprechaun trying to peacify him
然而,天哪,我正要把杯中残酒一饮而尽时,只见“市民”腾地站起来,因患水肿病呼呼大喘,踉踉跄跄走向门口,用爱尔兰语的“钟圣经与蜡烛” 613 ,对那家伙发出克伦威尔的诅咒614 ,还呸呸地吐着唾沫。